Coyete smashing into a fake tunnel, those dreams were put to a sudden stop. I was hoping to get put in a group with some people who would also be cool with doing a scene I liked. I thought about the church fight scene in Kingsman: The Secret Service, the scene where Luke finds out who his father is, or even Moses Supposes or Make Em Laugh from my favorite musical. Although some of them would be impossible to shoot, I wanted to do them all. Instantly, movie scenes popped into my head that I loved. We were currently doing a unit on comparing movies as a medium compared to books, so it was still relevant to our studying. I will now put you into your groups, and you can spend the rest of the class discussing how you will be going about this project.' It can be from any genre, as long as it's appropriate. 'You and your group will be making a three minute video recreating one of your favorite movie scenes. He then continued to further what it would be about. If someone asked me what my least favorite string of words were, it'd probably be along the lines of what Mr. It'll be due next week and you'll be working in groups of four.' 'Okay class, today I'll be introducing you to our new group project.